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- Subject: alt.sex.prostitution FAQ (1/4)
- Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 18:12:26 GMT
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- ***** Welcome to Alt.Sex.Prostitution! *****
- We're glad that you've found us. Please take a moment to read this
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, as it will help you understand
- the standard etiquette (netiquette) for this newsgroup. This file is
- Part 1 of 4 which will be posted every two or three weeks. A special
- thanks to Ms. Margo (co-founder of alt.sex.femdom) for originating
- this FAQ. Thanks also to Catherine La Croix of COYOTE/Seattle and
- Carol Leigh of the ProstitutesÆ Education Network for supplying
- additional material.
- The FAQ is divided into 4 parts as follows:
- Part 1: General information about the newsgroup and the
- World Sex Guide.
- Part 2: Questions and information about prostitution
- in general. [Under construction]
- Part 3: List of organizations that support prostitution
- or prostitutes or are working to decriminalize
- prostitution.
- Part 4: Suggested reading list on prostitution and
- prostitutes' rights.
- ***** What Is Alt.Sex.Prostitution?
- Alt.sex.prostitution was chartered as an unmoderated newsgroup
- intended for discussion and information exchange about all aspects of
- prostitution, including but not limited to the legal situation in
- different countries, prices, reviews of brothels, bars, clubs, massage
- parlors, escort services, call girls, street prostitutes, and requests
- for information. It was newgrouped in August 1995 to replace the
- dying alt.sex.services and alt.sex.brothels.
- If your internet provider does not carry alt.sex.prostitution you can
- usually get them to do so by simply making a request (you can try
- email to webmaster@your.site, i.e, your internet provider address, not
- the words "your.site").
- This newsgroup supports prostitution and encourages efforts to
- decriminalize it (see definition in Part 2), but discussion of other
- viewpoints, including anti-prostitution viewpoints, is also welcome.
- The newsgroup charter also states that commercial ads are not allowed,
- but obviously in an unmoderated newsgroup this is impossible to
- enforce (efforts to discourage ads are discussed below). It will
- unfortunately be necessary for you to wade through the ads and spams
- (irrelevant cross-postings to multiple groups) to get to the good
- information in this newsgroup. A beginner can very quickly learn to
- recognize which articles are worth retrieving, however.
- This is not an appropriate group for discussion of strip-clubs or
- phone sex, and it is not appropriate for posting of advertisements,
- binary files, or fiction stories. There are specialized newsgroups
- for these types of items (see below).
- ***** Where Can I Get Laid in ...(Mytown,
- the Place IÆm Going to Visit, etc. etc.)?
- This is, quite naturally, the most frequently asked question in this
- newsgroup. The first place you should look for answers is the World
- Sex Guide, maintained by Atta and located at:
- http://www.paranoia.com/faq/prostitution/
- It is also available for ftp download as a large (>800Kb) gzipped tar
- file at <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/electronic-publications/twsg>.
- The bulk of the World Sex Guide consists of a compilation of posts
- from this newsgroup about where to find prostitutes and at what price.
- The World Sex Guide is updated irregularly every two or three months
- when Atta has a free weekend to devote to the task. The "From" lines
- and the signatures are always deleted before an article is archived in
- the World Sex Guide. If you send something in and you specifically
- want your email address to be left in, please indicate this. If you
- specifically do not want your article archived at the web site, feel
- free to mention that as well.
- New people are encouraged to check the World Sex Guide before posting
- requests for information to this newsgroup. Often the information you
- are looking for will already be there.
- The World Sex Guide also contains articles giving general advice on
- how to deal with escorts, massage parlors, streetwalkers, etc. Such
- articles can be found at the beginning of the United States section
- and at the end of the JayHawk report. There is also some information
- about the legal status of prostitution around the world, and other
- general information about prostitution. Virtually every
- prostitution-related resource on the internet should be accessible
- from there.
- ***** This Is Cool! How Can I Help?
- Simple: Post your reports on the availability of various sexual
- services in your area or areas you visit. If you are a geographer and
- you just discovered the lay of the land, let us know. If you got
- ripped off, expose the rip-off artist here (itÆs a good way to get
- even). Pooling our information is, after all, the only way we get the
- information at all.
- This newsgroup is only as good as its participants. As in any form of
- social intercourse, politeness goes a long way. A number of people
- who have posted here have been swamped with semi-literate requests for
- more information instead of with Thank YouÆs or, much better yet, a
- posting of more information. Show your appreciation for what other
- people post by posting what information you obtain.
- Information of the type being sought here often gets out of date very
- quickly. Please do your part by contributing regularly anything you
- know that would be useful to others in the group. That is the best
- way to help create a healthy group where you can also find the
- information you want.
- ****** How Can I Help Readers Find My Posts?
- To help differentiate the wheat from the chaff in this newsgroup, it
- greatly helps to begin on-topic reports with [ASP] in the subject
- line. Posts denoted in this fashion will generally float to the top
- or bottom of alphabetized news lists, and even if they don't they are
- much easier to recognize.
- Requests for information should be clearly identified as requests in
- the subject line. Otherwise, they are more likely to irritate readers
- and less likely to get a reply. Readers may get irritated when they
- open a post that says, for example, "[ASP] Dallas outcall" in the
- subject line, only to find out that it's a request for information
- rather than a report or recommendation. Requests are welcome in the
- newsgroup, but they would be easier to identify if they were denoted
- with the word "Request" or even just a question mark, e.g. "[ASP]
- Dallas: Request" or "[ASP] Dallas outcall?" This enables readers to
- identify more easily the queries that they might be able to help
- somebody out with.
- It is also easier to identify posts if the geographic reference is
- placed early in the subject line. For example, "[ASP] Dallas escort
- sought" jumps out more quickly than "[ASP] Escort sought in Dallas."
- It is also a good idea to avoid using any words in your subject line
- that readers might have in their "kill files" which are used to
- automatically screen out some of the spam in the newsgroups. Such
- words could include the likes of the following: 1-800, 1-900, 011,
- (800), (900), $/min, WWW, nigger, homo, queer, Clinton, Newt, jpg,
- mpg, jpeg, avi, gif, free, phone, cum, cunt, pussy, ass, fuck, cock,
- crave, hole, tight, ass, slut, whore. You get the idea. Subject
- lines in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS are also often ignored because they are
- characteristic of spam and are considered SHOUTING. One of the best
- spam filters is one which ignores anything that is cross-posted to
- five or more newsgroups.
- ****** How Can I Post Anonymously?
- Posting anonymously is very common in the alt.sex newsgroups because
- people may not want their neighbors, families, co-workers, or other
- associates to know about their activities (or even their thoughts) on
- topics in these newsgroups. There are several ways to accomplish this
- objective (please let me know if you find any others). Besides the
- ways listed here, you can post directly from MailMasher as described
- in the next section on anonymous email.
- 1. With your newsreader.
- One way to be somewhat anonymous is to simply place a fictitious name
- and email address in the user profile of your newsreader software.
- Your internet provider will be identified, but you wonÆt be. You
- should test this first by posting to alt.test (or some other newsgroup
- where you donÆt care if you are anonymous) to make sure that your name
- and email address do not appear in the headers. The information on
- who you are will still be in your internet providerÆs log files, so if
- someone files a complaint on something you posted that could be
- interpreted as spamming or illegal, your provider could identify you.
- This method would generally not be a good idea if you want to post
- from work, since if you are using your employerÆs server they would be
- able to identify you. This method may be sufficient for your needs,
- however, if your only concern is that you donÆt want your family or
- friends to know that you are posting here.
- 2. Anonymous remailers.
- The most popular anonymous remailer, anon.penet.fi (located in
- Finland), was closed down by the owner on August 30 (1996) in response
- to a Finnish court decision that email over the internet is not
- protected by Finnish privacy laws. The court decision resulted from a
- petition from the Church of Scientology, and is being appealed.
- A simple method to post anonymously to this newsgroup is to use an
- anonymous remailer in conjunction with a mail-to-news (mail2news)
- gateway. There are several such remailers, but only two gateways that
- I know of that will post to this newsgroup. These two gateways are
- <myriad.alias.net> and <news.demon.co.uk>.
- Any of the following remailers will anonymize your message using the
- technique described below:
- remailer@huge.cajones.com
- remailer@cypherpunks.ca
- remailer@replay.com
- haystack@holy.cow.net
- lucifer@dhp.com
- mix@zifi.genetics.utah.edu
- remailer@remailer.nl.com
- HereÆs how to post anonymously:
- 1. Email to any one of the above remailers
- 2. The subject should be the subject of your post
- 3. On the first line of your message type a double colon ("::")
- 4. On the second line type:
- Anon-To: alt.sex.prostitution@myriad.alias.net
- OR alt.sex.prostitution@news.demon.co.uk
- 5. The third line should be blank
- 6. Start your message on the fourth line
- 7. Remember not to use a signature!!!!!!!!!
- In other words, the body of your email should look like this:
- >::
- >Anon-To: alt.sex.prostitution@myriad.alias.net
- >
- >Hello, I'm reporting on.....(whatever)
- ThatÆs it! Send it off, and the nice folks at the remailer will strip
- off all the identifying headers and send your message along to the
- nice folks at the mail2news gateway (either myriad.alias.net or
- news.demon.co.uk) who will make it pop up in the newsgroup. The folks
- at myriad.alias.net were even kind enough to add this newsgroup to
- their gateway at my request.
- You can post anonymously this way, but you will not be able to get
- replies by email. You can get more information about the remailers by
- sending a message to any of the remailers with the subject
- "remailer-help" (without the quotation marks). The help files you
- will receive are essentially identical for all of these remailers, so
- one such help file should be sufficient. A few of the remailers have
- an "Anon-Post-To" function, but it will not work for this newsgroup so
- you will need to modify their instructions as indicated above (i.e. go
- through a gateway) to post here.
- Since remailers and gateways are subject to change and periodic down
- times, and since both must be operative for this to work, these
- methods may at times be unreliable. If your post does not appear
- within two days, you can assume it was lost and should try again,
- perhaps with another remailer.
- ***** How Can I Get Email Replies
- and Still Be Anonymous?
- The remailers listed above (and others) provide greater security if
- you use encryption, and setting up an encrypted reply block is also
- possible but it is complicated and is beyond the scope of this FAQ.
- Updated information and links on remailers can be found at
- <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~raph/remailer-list.html>. The links will
- lead to the necessary PGP encryption software and the optional Private
- Idaho software interface.
- There are a number of other email services available which may be
- anonymous enough for your purposes, although in all cases you are
- relying on the provider to keep you anonymous. You will need to
- decide if this provides the degree of security you want. Some of
- these services are listed below. To post to this newsgroup from any
- of these services, you can send email directly through a gateway, i.e.
- to <alt.sex.prostitution@myriad.alias.net> or
- <alt.sex.prostitution@news.demon.co.uk>.
- AOL. AOL has been called "the largest anonymous remailer in the
- world" because it allows up to five screen names, each of which is a
- pseudonym traceable only by AOL and law enforcement.
- POSTONE. PostOne is a free email forwarding service based in
- Singapore. They forward email to your regular email address, and you
- can mail from them either from their web page or by placing
- appropriate footers at the end of your message. They make money by
- placing short ads at the end of your incoming mail (these are not very
- intrusive). Whatever name you place in the name field when you
- register will appear in your email, so place your anonymous moniker
- (not your real name) in the name field when you sign up. The system
- is very easy to use and very fast. The Singapore company states: "We
- undertake not to track, alter or reveal private communication. Our
- service is bound by the law and public policy." Despite the fact that
- prostitution is legal there, Singapore does not have a good track
- record on civil liberties, and it has been reported that Singapore
- recently started to monitor and censor all incoming web traffic.
- YouÆll have to decide if you trust this situation. You can get more
- information and sign up for the service at <http://www.mailhost.com>.
- MAILMASHER. MailMasher is a free web-based email service that
- specifically supports anonymity and does not ask your name or real
- email address. They say that they keep no logs on their server so its
- anonymity should be more than adequate for most people. You can get
- details and set up an account immediately at
- <http://www.mailmasher.com>. You can also post to
- alt.sex.prostitution directly from MailMasher (even though this
- newsgroup is not on the list of available groups). Since you use your
- web browser to get mail, the mail loads more slowly than it would with
- a direct email service. They request donations to support their
- service.
- EDTEC. Edtec offers a service that works very much the same as
- anon.penet.fi did, but at a cost of $5 a month. They can be found at
- <http://www.edtec.com/anon.html>.
- ***** Are There Other Prostitution-Related FAQs?
- There is an FAQ specific to legal prostitution in Nevada (U.S.A.)
- maintained by Bashful and located at:
- http://www.paranoia.com/~bashful/
- Other prostitution FAQ files, some of which are area-specific, are
- posted from time to time by various users, so keep your eyes open for
- them. These will also be added to the World Sex Guide web site
- whenever it is updated.
- ***** Is Alt.Sex.Prostitution Archived Anywhere Else?
- Yes. All newsgroups are archived at Deja News
- <http://www.dejanews.com>. This is a good place to search for
- articles that have not yet been archived in the World Sex Guide. Go
- to Deja News and click on "Power Search." Then click on "Create a
- Query Filter" and put alt.sex.prostitution in the field. Then specify
- the dates you want the search to include and submit the query filter.
- Then initiate a search for the city or country you are interested in.
- If you would like to pull up all articles for the past month or so, go
- to "Power Search" and put "~g alt.sex.prostitution" (without the
- quotation marks) in the field. DonÆt ask me for additional help with
- this, since I have already written all I know. Use the help files at
- Deja News if you need more help.
- ***** Do Any Sex Workers Read this Newsgroup?
- Yes, there are several sex workers who regularly read and sometimes
- post to this newsgroup. Their input is particularly valued and if you
- see one post, please don't swamp her mailbox with wannas (wannafucks)
- unless she asks for them. Sex workers are strongly encouraged to post
- to this group. Please feel free to post anonymously if it makes you
- feel more comfortable about posting here.
- ***** Where Can I Find Related Newsgroups?
- You might enjoy some of the following newsgroups as well:
- alt.sex.strip-clubs - Discussion of strip clubs and strippers.
- alt.sex.telephone - Discussion of phone sex and phone sex ads.
- alt.sex.brothels - Discussion of brothels worldwide.
- alt.sex.femdom - Discussion of female domination (Dominatrix).
- alt.sex.services - A mixed bag of sex-related services.
- alt.sex.movies - Discussion of X-rated movies, videos, & pornstars.
- alt.sex.wizards - General sex questions and answers.
- alt.sex.safe - Safe sex questions and answers.
- sci.med.aids - About HIV/AIDS, mostly by medical professionals.
- ***** What Can I Post Here?
- No one runs (moderates) this newsgroup and no one can stop you from
- posting. As a part of the alt (alternative) hierarchy this newsgroup
- is open to any and all postings. However, it is proper netiquette
- (net-etiquette) to keep your posts to the topic of the newsgroup. If
- your reply is directed to one specific person, please use an e-mail
- reply. If you are replying to a long post, please use your editor to
- cut the material you quote down to a manageable size. If you quote
- 180 lines and then add "Me too!" at the bottom you will look like a
- jerk. Keeping your line length to 78 characters will stop the last
- word of your post from wrapping around onto a new line when it's read
- by others. Don't post a message in ALL CAPS since that means that
- you're SHOUTING!
- This newsgroup has always been fairly friendly, so please keep flames
- to a minimum. If you flame someone you open yourself up to being
- flamed even worse. Spelling and grammar flames are inappropriate. It
- is information thatÆs important, not perfect spelling. All of us make
- occasional typros anyway. A.O.L.-bashing is now passe. If you're
- flaming someone privately, keep in mind that tactics like mailbombing
- and forged cancels can cause you to lose your own account. If you
- want to complain about someone's post, send e-mail to
- postmaster@their.site or root@their.site. This is preferred over
- filling up the newsgroup with flames about an obvious jerk.
- Spams (posts to many off-topic newsgroups) and posting chain letters
- or pyramid schemes such as Quickcash, Make Money Fast (MMF), and the
- Recipes scam will usually cause you to lose your account. Posts such
- as MMF are considered fraud and are illegal in many areas. It will
- also make everyone on the net hate you and think you're retarded.
- Don't do it.
- ***** Can I Post An Advertisement Here?
- Ads are not welcome here. Part of the reason that
- alt.sex.prostitution was created was to try (in vain) to escape the
- crush of advertisements. Several people are actively working to send
- letters of complaint to the Postmaster of anyone who posts commercial
- ads to this group. The posting of advertisements to *discussion*
- newsgroups is also prohibited by the providers of most services
- including .edu sites, .mil sites, A.O.L., Delphi, Prodigy, Compuserve,
- Netcom, Earthlink, The Well, anon.penet.fi, and most others (check
- with Support or Postmaster at your site if you're unsure of your own
- rules). If you have something to advertise, please use the following
- newsgroups which are O.K. for ads:
- alt.sex.erotica.marketplace - General products/services for
- sale.
- alt.sex.telephone - Phone sex ads.
- alt.bbs.ads - BBS ads.
- alt.sex.magazines - Magazines for sale and wanted.
- alt.sex.wanted - Looking for love or just a little relaxation.
- Please note that many Internet services offer "kill lists" or "kill
- files" that allow users to automatically kill all messages from
- specific posters or specific sites. Therefore, if you post an ad, you
- are likely to end up in many kill files and then *none* of your
- messages will get through to anyone.
- ***** Can I Post a Personal Ad Here?
- You can, but it's a dumb thing to do. There are very few females who
- read this newsgroup and most of those are business Ladies. If your
- personal doesn't involve payment for services it belongs in
- alt.sex.wanted or one of the many alt.personals.* newsgroups.
- ***** Why Don't I See Answers to Most of
- the Requests for Information?
- Some people don't want to post publicly about their possibly illegal
- activities. Many of these questions are answered in private e-mail.
- This doesn't help everyone else reading, but that's the way it goes.
- If you have a specific question, post it and hope for a response.
- If your request is seen as too crude, you may not get a response. A
- poster's words are the only way readers have of judging him. A poster
- who can't put a sentence together with a subject and a verb in the
- right place, who doesn't know where the shift key is, and who doesn't
- know the difference between a period and the space bar, is perhaps
- less likely to get a response. A lot of our readers are looking out
- for the ladies and respect them too much to refer somebody to them who
- might not treat them as they should be treated.
- Another reason that responses might be lacking is that people get
- tired of responding to information requests after a while if they
- donÆt get at least a few strokes for doing so. If you put in a
- request for information on a particular city, and someone emails you
- 30 kilobytes of information that was posted a couple of weeks earlier,
- send that person a nice Thank You and then post an item to the group
- about what you were able to confirm about the information or what you
- found to be different. This helps keep the group going smoothly and
- makes it more likely that the next person will get a response as well.
- If you would like to respond to an information request, but don't feel
- comfortable doing so, please use one of the anonymous remailers (see
- above) to post your answer. Many of the other readers will appreciate
- seeing a response.
- ***** Where Are the Pictures/FTP Sites/
- Secret Porn/Me Too/Me Too/Me Too
- Binary pictures can be found on-line in the alt.binaries.pictures.*
- newsgroups. If you can't get these newsgroups from your site then get
- a provider who carries them; don't whine that people should post them
- here. Binaries take up a lot of space on systems and in downloads of
- mail packets, so please be considerate and keep them in their place.
- Stories can be found in alt.sex.stories (basic porn) or
- rec.arts.erotica (literary porn). Stories can also be found in the
- various alt.sex.fetish.* groups that are specific to the topic of the
- group.
- Don't ask that people post the addresses of secret ftp sites of porn.
- If someone actually did post (which has happened), 100,000 people
- would try to access the site, the Sysadmin of the site would notice,
- and it would immediately be shut down. The best you can do is ask
- that someone send you one by e-mail. If you don't have one to trade
- you're not likely to get any takers.
- Postings offering lists of erotic binary sites, or adult binaries by
- mail, or nude binaries of famous women are all pranks or scams. The
- people posting these messages are either trying to see how many idiots
- they can get to follow-up and ask for this stuff, or are trying to get
- you to send them money. Be smart and don't be taken in.
- If someone requests something don't be one of the hundred fools
- posting a "Me too!" follow-up. Either write the original poster via
- e-mail asking for the information or wait for the information to be
- posted.
- ****** How Can I Fight Spam on A.S.P?
- [This article contributed by Atta]
- Most people just ignore advertising spam on our newsgroup; however, if
- you feel like doing a good deed and punishing the assholes a little
- bit, here's what you can do.
- Most assholes do the spamming from a regular dial up account with an
- Internet Service Provider; most providers nowadays have provisions
- against spamming in their acceptable-use policies. So the only thing
- we have to do is to find out the originating site and send a polite
- message to its postmaster. Chances are that the asshole will get his
- account yanked without a refund.
- Some more sophisticated assholes have their own domain and act as
- their own postmasters. In this case, we need to find out who provides
- the internet connectivity to them and complain to that place. Enough
- complaints and their net access will be cut off.
- First of all, you need a couple of utilities. The exact names of the
- programs differ from operating system to operating system, but there
- are freeware versions of all of them around. Look in your favorite
- freeware archive.
- 1. A newsreader that can show you all the header
- lines of an article, as in the example below.
- Chances are that your newsreader can do it
- already; read the documentation. If not, get
- another one.
- 2. A program that can do "whois" lookups. The
- whois database contains contact information
- (including address and telephone number) for
- all domains on the internet (such as
- superlink.net for example).
- 3. A traceroute program. Using traceroute, one can
- find out where a rogue site gets their internet
- connectivity from.
- Now let's look at a typical spam on alt.sex.prostitution, including
- all the header lines:
- =============Start of spam===============
- Path:
- fu-berlin.de!news.nacamar.de!news-feed.inet.tele.dk!voskovec.radio.cz!news..cesnet..cz!01-newsfeed..univie..ac..at!swidir..switch..ch!nntp..coast..net!howland..erols..net!EU..net!news..sprintlink..net!news-peer..sprintlink..net!uunet!in3..uu..net!earth..superlink..net!news
- From: legs <legs@hotgirls.net>
- Newsgroups:
- alt.sex.erotica,alt.sex.exhibitionism,alt.sex.fetish,alt.sex.fetish.motorcycles,alt..sex..fetish..panties,alt..sex..fetish..tinygirls,alt..sex..fetish..tongue,alt..sex..gangbang,alt..sex..glory-holes..sites,alt..sex..masterbation,alt..sex..pedophilia,alt..sex..erotica..marketplace,alt..sex..telephone,alt..sex..services,alt..sex..orgy,alt..sex..erotica..market..place,alt..sex..fetish..orientals,alt..sex..girl..watchers,alt..sex..masturbation,alt..sex..prostitution,alt..sex..safe,alt..sex..strip-clubs,alt..s
- ex..prostitution,alt..sex..brothels,alt..sex..anal,alt..sex..oral,alt..sex..pictures,alt..sex..wanted,alt..sex..first-time,alt..sex..sm..fig,alt..sex..jp,alt..sex..fetish..size,alt..sex,alt..sex..phone,alt..sex..girls,alt..sex..balls,alt..sex..breast,alt..sex..young,alt..sex..bondage,alt..sex..sgml,alt..sex..teens,alt..sex..uncut,alt..sex..voyeurism,alt..sex..wanted..models,alt..sex..watersports,alt..sex..marketplace
- Subject: Are You Hungry for a Hot, Wet Pussy?
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 17:25:40 -0800 Organization: TWI
- Lines: 3
- Message-ID: <32755D13.2394@hotgirls.net> NNTP-Posting-Host:
- nb-dialup-88.superlink.net Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
- How about a little 69 action?
- Satisfy your taste!
- Call now 1-500-677-LICK
- =============End of spam======================
- It is possible to fake all header lines in a usenet article (except
- for the Path-header to a certain extent, see below), so don't trust
- anything blindly. The more sophisticated the asshole, the better they
- can falsify headers. Most assholes are pretty dumb though. Faking
- the From-header is most common; almost all newsreaders allow this. So
- legs@hotgirls.net is probably not a valid email address. We can
- verify this quickly using the whois program; it will tell us whether
- the domain hotgirls.net exists and who its administrator is. If it
- exists, we send a complaint to postmaster@hotgirls.net.
- However, since postmaster@hotgirls.net is probably an asshole, we
- could follow up with a traceroute search on hotgirls.net, which would
- give us the exact path along which internet traffic from our site
- travels to hotgirls.net. The last but one site in this chain is the
- site that provides internet connectivity to hotgirls.net, and its
- postmaster is then also the proper place to complain to. (For the
- proper format of a complaint, see below.)
- The Sender and NNTP-Posting-Host headers of a usenet article are much
- more difficult to fake, and so we see that the asshole used netscape
- (=Mozilla) to post from a dial-up account on superlink.net. This is
- reconfirmed by the fact that the last entry in the Path header is also
- superlink.net. The Path header works like this: whenever a usenet
- article arrives at some site, the site checks whether its name already
- appears in the Path header. If it does, the article is discarded; if
- it doesn't, the site prepends its own name, followed by '!', to the
- Path header and forwards the article to all its usenet neighbors. In
- this way, the Path variable always tells us which path the article
- took from the source to us. (Our article above went through
- Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic and Denmark before it reached
- Germany; I picked it off a newsserver in Berlin. Note that this
- usenet path is different from the internet path gotten from
- traceroute.)
- So in our example, everything points to superlink.net. A complaint to
- postmaster@superlink.net is definitely in order. What should the
- complaint look like?
- 1. Be polite. Remember, the postmaster is not the
- asshole. He is on our side.
- 2. Explain that commercial spam which is unrelated
- to our newsgroup's topic is not allowed on a.s.p.
- As proof, include the charter of a.s.p. which is
- contained elsewhere in this FAQ.
- 3. Ask them to take appropriate action against the
- spammer.
- 4. Include a copy of the spam, complete with all
- the headers.
- 5. If you were able to find out the asshole's real
- email address (rare), CC your complaint to them.
- Every once in a while, you will come across a domain where the asshole
- is the postmaster himself. If that is the case, don't bother to deal
- with them; instead, find out their upstream site using traceroute as
- explained above and complain to its postmaster. You can then do two
- things in addition:
- 1. http://www.vix.com/spam/ maintains a list of
- rogue domains which don't follow generally
- accepted netiquette; every site on the internet
- is encouraged to refuse all internet traffic
- originating from these domains. You can nominate
- the rogue domain you found for that list.
- 2. You can talk to your own ISP and ask them
- whether they would be willing to block all
- traffic from said rogue site. If they do,
- you'll never have to see any spam (email or
- usenet) from them again.
- One more thing: advertising a 1-900 number without giving the price
- per minute is a federal crime; simply forward the article to the FCC
- in such a case. They can find out who owns the number.
- ***** Who The Hell Are You Anyway?
- Just your average horny guy who has volunteered some time to do some
- of the housekeeping chores for the newsgroup and the web site. Sort
- of my contribution to humanity. I believe that sex work should be a
- legal (fully decriminalized) and respected profession and wish to
- promote responsible and respectful relationships between client and
- sex worker.
- Comments and suggestions for this FAQ are appreciated and can be sent
- to me at <AGentleMan@post1.com> (thatÆs post"ONE" not post"L"). DonÆt
- bother asking me where to find a prostitute in your city, as I wonÆt
- bother to respond. All I could do is repeat whatÆs in this message by
- referring you to the World Sex Guide and to this newsgroup.
- And remember, always treat your sex worker with respect!